Pacific Crisis Fundraiser diary
date: 03-15-11, 07:43 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: Current Total: 325,089L
Approximately 1300 US Dollars"
date: 03-16-11, 00:03 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: We are open
632,979L so far"
date: 03-16-11, 07:47 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: Update
Last night before we opened the Pacific Crisis Fundraiser venue to the public we had raised 632979L. Now, 6 hours later, it is 865,549L. Which is over 3000 US dollars."
date: 03-16-11, 11:33 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: We broke the 1 mil mark!
$L 1,003,275
Our flickr group:"
date: 03-17-11, 06:41 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: The Update:1,594,404L
(Approximately 6385 US Dollars)"
date: 03-17-11, 14:59 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: News :D CNN kindly mentioned our event on their website.
1,729,198L is our current total"
date: 03-17-11, 19:32 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: Update
Yep its that time again, update time! We are now at 1905810L"
date: 03-18-11, 16:05 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: Current totals
We made it over the 2 million mark 2,270,749L$ to be exact!"
date: 03-21-11, 18:38 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: Update
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Salanon Oliva.