
wow... i didnt see so very nice and cheap clothes for a long time...

dont miss the skirt, it is a prize in a lucky letter (it changes every 5 minutes); i love it, its so cute and sweet...
and dont miss either the xl shirt, its for fre!!! perfect for a picnic morning, isnt it? ;-)

and there are many clothes under 50L$, gatchas and group gifts.

in the first picture, !1mm***  Border tulle skirt  Multi(LB).
in the second picture, !1mm*** big kao T.

date: 03-28-11.

bronx outfit

clic the picture to enlarge.

hair: Amacci Free Hair ~ Morgan (Jet Black) (gift from Amacci ➩ *Amacci Hairs*).
sweater: !1mm***  short hoodie inside (LB) (prize in a lucky letter in !1mm** !1mm***).
skirt: S@BBiA::GroupGift No.22 (group gift in .::S@BBIA::. .::S@BBIA::.).
legwarmers and stockings: edge grafica / 19 leg warmers (for free in Second Life Marketplace from edge grafica https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/edge-grafica-19-leg-warmers/1073185).
footwear: [IHS] Bows Bows Distressed Red (for free in [IHS] [IHS]).

date: 03-28-11.