after a long time resting from sl (sometimes i really need it), and taking care of some professional things in rl, now i come back with new mood, new projects... and also new freebies!!! ;-)
but dont think it will be for a long time... in some days i will again have holidays, so then i will enjoy teneriffe with my partner ^^
but of course dont worry, i will again come back, for sure!!
omg, i cant stop talkin (writing!) today, sorry... xD
in the first picture im showing the hair (group gift) called A&A Jesse Hair Bronze, boxed.
in the second one im wearing a gift received when voting for favorite hair of the month, Hair Voting Present 22th April 2011 f.
(im sorry Alice, i modified its colors to match mine. i hope you dont mind).
dont miss some other gifts in the store.
dont miss some other gifts in the store.
date: 04-29-11.