{SMS} for The Dressing Room

this week there is a very nice dress in The Dressing Room for 50L$.
it is from {SMS}, and you know, that store always makes us happy with its very well made dessigns. so please, dont you miss it!!!

remember, dessigns in The Dressing Room change weekly, then hurry up!!! ^^

in the picture, {SMS} Prairie Tunic Plum for TDR <3.

date: 01-29-11.


+mocha+... yayyy!!!! it always means high quality andspecial style.
so... dont you forget to check this cute dress (several wearing options), for the . its called +mocha+  -  The Old Drawers [FLF].
it is a creation for the Fifty Linden Fridays group, so note that it will surely change its price on next Friday!!^^

there are also two lucky letters, currently giving out a pair of legwarmers and a beret.

date: 01-29-11.