unfortunately, the PCF event finishes tonight, so i will show you here the last clothes/items ive in my inventory from the event.
clic the pictures to enlarge.
date: 04-10-11.
shirt: .:MANNA:. Esprit de la Foret T-Shirt (Girls), by .:MANNA Boutique:.
handbag: ::: B@R ::: Blanca Green, by ::: BareRose :::
flats: ::Duh!:: Floral Linen Flats Red Rose (wear and click to open), by ::Duh!::
dress: [PCF] AOHARU_OffShoulderGauzeTunic_Red, by AOHARU.
shoes: [LP] Wren Wedge PCF Red (BOXED), by Lazy Places.
leggings and shirt: KHUSH - PCF - Steffy & Comfi leggings, by KHUSH.
headdress: Bliensen + MaiTai - Mikomi - Hair Corsage - Fundraiser, by Bliensen + MaiTai.
necklace: Atooly - Drapped in Blue, by Atooly.
shirt and sweater: Grixdale - Dryer Fuzz - Scoop neck - Dirt, by Grixdale.
stole: Grixdale . Rustic Draped Stole -, by Grixdale.
jacket: Berries Inc. hoodie grey/blue, by Berries Inc.
hair: [kik]hair-Rena I(12colors pack)BOX, by [kik].
dress: Honey*Soul- Primavera-Setups(Bluebird)-Boxed, by Honey*Soul.
dress: tomoto, pour toi et pour Japon - PRAY, by tomoto.
sweater: Naive/MAVMA - Pacific Crisis Fundraiser Blue, by MAVMA | couture.
skirt: Naive/MAVMA - Pacific Crisis Fundraiser, by MAVMA | couture.
necklace: Statique. - HOPE necklace for PCF (boxed), by [ Lauria ].
skirt: {Bingo} Felicia II Red Set (Boxed), by {Bingo}.
sweater: justB /cashmere scoop neck blouse IVORY/red, by justB.
blazer: Izzie's - Velvet Blazer taupe, by IZZIE'S.
cardigan: INDI Designs - Hooded Knit cardigan pink, by INDI Designs.
coat: TOSL *Nippon Love* Parka v1.2 Sakura, by TOSL.
boots: TOSL *Nippon Love* Wellies v1.2 Sakura, by TOSL.
umbrella: Baffle! My Vintage Umbrella (boxed), by Baffle!