
wow... i didnt see so very nice and cheap clothes for a long time...

dont miss the skirt, it is a prize in a lucky letter (it changes every 5 minutes); i love it, its so cute and sweet...
and dont miss either the xl shirt, its for fre!!! perfect for a picnic morning, isnt it? ;-)

and there are many clothes under 50L$, gatchas and group gifts.

in the first picture, !1mm***  Border tulle skirt  Multi(LB).
in the second picture, !1mm*** big kao T.

date: 03-28-11.

bronx outfit

clic the picture to enlarge.

hair: Amacci Free Hair ~ Morgan (Jet Black) (gift from Amacci ➩ *Amacci Hairs*).
sweater: !1mm***  short hoodie inside (LB) (prize in a lucky letter in !1mm** !1mm***).
skirt: S@BBiA::GroupGift No.22 (group gift in .::S@BBIA::. .::S@BBIA::.).
legwarmers and stockings: edge grafica / 19 leg warmers (for free in Second Life Marketplace from edge grafica https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/edge-grafica-19-leg-warmers/1073185).
footwear: [IHS] Bows Bows Distressed Red (for free in [IHS] [IHS]).

date: 03-28-11.



- PRIMS: 27.

DESCRIPTION: A nice glowing moon with a silver particles effect, perfect for spending some romantic moments with your partner or a special person. There is a highly detailed old candle lantern with a particle effect hanging on the top of the moon, which provides the object a bohemian style. It has a lying back hug pose for a couple. The whole product has a light effect.

It can be placed in the sky for a more realistic dreaming effect.

Enjoy it!

If you have any query, contact Salanon Oliva inworld via notecard (messages delivery capped).

* Digital Elements by Lie Fhung of Ztampf.com.

You can see more pictures in Xstreet SL here: DREAMING COUPLE LANTERN MOON

green & black outfit

clic the picture to enlarge.

hair: [Raspberry Aristocrat] CHAI ANXIETY HAIR - Free color samples (for free in Second Life Marketplace from [Raspberry Aristocrat] ➩ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Raspberry-Aristocrat-CHAI-ANXIETY-HAIR-Free-color-samples/1490785).
shirt: Ingenue :: Aquarellist :: Grass (Lucky Chair) (lucky chair prize in Ingenue ➩ Ingenue).
skirt: :pesca:new shop opening gift (for free in :pesca: ➩ :pesca:).
flats: [ROLY-POLY] -Copine- Purple box (for free in Second Life Marketplace from [ROLY-POLY] ➩ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ROLY-POLY-Copine-Purple/1882379).

date: 03-25-11.

lets help Japan and Pacific area VI

clic the pictures to enlarge.

date: 03-24-11.

jeans: from the {SweetTooth} Domomania Outfit, by {SweetTooth}.
footwear: from the {SweetTooth} Domomania Outfit, by {SweetTooth}.
tank: *MUKA* Japan, by *MUKA*.

jeans, shirt, footwear and huggable: {SweetTooth} Domomania Outfit, by {SweetTooth}.

lets help Japan and Pacific area V

these days i will write several post showing some of my favourite designs sold in PCF... of course, as you know, all profits will be donated to Americares.
i would like to post everything, all the items sold for PCF, because they are all very good, and because the efforts made by designers worth it... but im sorry, i cant post them all... :(

clic the pictures to enlarge.

date: 03-24-11.

sweater and skirt: ** [ Riddle ] ** PCF - Coral Top + Mini Skirt, by ** [ Riddle ] **.
footwear: .: vive9 :. PELAJE Pumps in BloodRed (bagged), by .: vive9 :.

dress, stockings and coat: ** [ Riddle ] ** PCF - Winter Blues Combo Pack, by ** [ Riddle ] **.

tank: *BOOM* knit tank sunshine (exclusive), by *BOOM*.
pants: *TuttiFrutti* Pure Shocking Rag Low Jeans - Mint  (wear), by *TuttiFrutti*.
mouth attachment: *CV* Cherry Blossom (PCF), by *CV*.
footwear: Domomania Tennis from the {SweetTooth} Domomania Outfit, by {SweetTooth}.

shirt: *TuttiFrutti* Tie-Dye Top - Mint/Blue (wear to unpack), by *TuttiFrutti*.
pants: *TuttiFrutti* Pure Shocking Rag Low Jeans - Mint  (wear), by *TuttiFrutti*.
footwear: Domomania Tennis from the {SweetTooth} Domomania Outfit, by {SweetTooth}.

mouth attachment: *CV* Cherry Blossom (PCF), by *CV*.
hair: *Plume* Sakura - For PCF, by Sakura.


a nice hair as a group gift :)
dont forget to check all the corners in the shop, because there is a hunt these days in that shop (you have to look for a pink being (there is an example of it beside this posted group gift).
in the picture, *Dura*Valentine's Day Group gift (in resizable and no resizable versions).

date: 03-22-11.


freshly baked today, the last group gift form ..:Censored:..
spring just arrived, you will need it!! yayyy!!!

in the picture, ..:Censored::. Outfit Gaby (Group Gift) (includes pants, sweater and flats).

date: 03-22-11.

leather outfit

will you go to hard rock concert? then dont you miss all these hard clothes!!! ^^

clic the picture to enlarge.

hair: Amacci ~ Danina in all colors - Free Gift (gift from Amacci *Amacci Hairs*).
earrings: A:S:S deLuxe - Shoya earrings (for free in Second Life Marketplace from A:S:S & Al Jamal ➩ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ASS-deLuxe-Shoya-earrings-FREE-promo/1950122).
jacket: >>>Poison<<< Tartan jacket (MM prize in >>>Poison<<< >>>Poison<<<).
shirt: E U P H O R I A Hunt Treasure from *Fishy Strawberry* - black ver (the *Fishy Strawberry* prize for E U P H O R I A Hunt Treasure *Fishy Strawberry* at E U P H O R I A). important: note that the E U P H O R I A Hunt Treasure is about to finish, so you will have to hurry if you still wanna grab it.
pants: *COCO*_GIFT_ShinyLeggings (group gift in *COCO* *COCO*).
boots: Leather Boots - A Gift from KoKo! (for free in Second Life Marketplace from KoKo ➩ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Leather-Boots-A-FREE-Gift-from-KoKo/1899048).

date: 03-22-11.

lets help Japan and Pacific area IV

Pacific Crisis Fundraiser diary

date: 03-15-11, 07:43 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: Current Total: 325,089L
Approximately 1300 US Dollars"

date: 03-16-11, 00:03 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: We are open
632,979L so far"

date: 03-16-11, 07:47 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: Update
Last night before we opened the Pacific Crisis Fundraiser venue to the public we had raised 632979L. Now, 6 hours later, it is 865,549L. Which is over 3000 US dollars."

date: 03-16-11, 11:33 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: We broke the 1 mil mark!
$L 1,003,275

date: 03-17-11, 06:41 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: The Update:1,594,404L
(Approximately 6385 US Dollars)"

date: 03-17-11, 14:59 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: News :D
http://ireport.cnn.com/docs/DOC-574114 CNN kindly mentioned our event on their website.
1,729,198L is our current total"

date: 03-17-11, 19:32 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: Update
Yep its that time again, update time! We are now at 1905810L"

date: 03-18-11, 16:05 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: Current totals
We made it over the 2 million mark 2,270,749L$ to be exact!"

date: 03-21-11, 18:38 PDT.
"Second Life - Group notice: Update


freshly from the sl marketplace, a great and sexy pair of high heels sandals... in happy pink for a spring dance night... why not??? ;-)
of course, free and full equiped with a very complete hud for toenails, skin, sound, size...

dont miss it, your feet will look perfect and you will walk sexy... :-P

in the picture, ..TARA..Top Heels Dondine pink.

date: 03-21-11.


just arrived from holidays... with new vitality!!! ^^
so here it is the first freebie i post after my back.

in .::Y&R::. there is a new lucky letter for group members with a nice prize: a floral country-spring dress. it changes every 5 minutes.
there are also some more lucky letters for group members, group gifts, etc (some of them already posted before).
also dont forget to check that many of the items in the shop cost less than 50L$ and theyre high quality clothes.

in the picture, .::Y&R::.Country Girl dress LB.

date: 03-21-11.

lets help Japan and Pacific area III

a new cooperation with American Red Cross, now from the owner of Truth Hairs.
check the link below.
thanks, Truth!

lets help Japan and Pacific area II

two new contributions for Japan.

*Honey Kitty* is selling two different dresses and 100% of its profits will be donated to Pacific Crisis Fundraiser (in the picture, *H+K*(grape)gingham cookie)  *Honey Kitty*.
LoQ Hairs is selling an exclusive hair for The Fashion Garret and 100% profits will be donated to help Japan (in the picture, "LoQ Hairs" Chloe Hair Exclusive For TFG)  TFG.

lets help Japan and Pacific area I

well, after some days too busy to post, now i think i really MUST do it.

there are some shops in sl who are trying to help with their profits for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and Pacific area.
now im not posting free nor cheap clothes. but people need our help, so i think price isnt the most important thing now here.

the group Pacific Crisis Fundraiser will open on 16th March; if you are a designer and want to colaborate with them, clic here.
this group in sl is for desingners who will cooperate, and they will open a land soon for the event here.
at the end of this post you will find the content of the notecard they are giving our these days.

Magika sells four different red hairs, and 50% of its profits will be used by Pacific Crisis Fundraiser to help victims of the earthquake (in the picture, Magika PCF Red // Paisley)  MAGIKA Hair.
WI♚LAY STYLEZ is helping with two differents pairs of boots, giving 50%  and 100% of the profits to Pacific Crisis Fundraiser (in the picture, JESSICA BOOTS RED)  WI♚LAY STYLEZ.
*RibboN* is now on sale for one month and will donate all profits from this sale (in the picture, *RibboN*Denim mini skirt(blue) and *RibboN*Kasanegi-TOPS(gray))  *RibboN*.

many people we have ever met in sl are from Japan... now i remember many shops whos owners and designers are japanese... and they have always been giving out great prizes in lucky boards, giving free items for us to enjoy and look pretty... it could seem a stupid thing... but i dont think it is... they have a generous, helpful and happy character with us... maybe its time to think that people who made us happy once with a simply item in sl are suffering seriuous moments in rl... isnt it the time to help a bit?

if you want to cooperate purchasing the official special Linden Bears, clic here.

you will find more about help for Japan and Pacific area in link below:

pd: i will be out from tomorrow till next sunday, but i hope i can go on publishing new posts about help from sl community for the victims of the disaster.
if you want to tell me more to post about, do not hesitate to contact me.

below youll find the content of the notecard that the sl group Pacific Crisis Fundraiser is giving our these days:

"An emergency fundraising effort for the victims of the crisis in the Pacific that hit on the 10th/11th of march is being set up. 

SL is an international community, with a strong base in Japan specifically. This disaster is worldwide and affects us all, as a community SL has risen up time and time again to help out in times of distress, including very recently. 

In september 2010 11,000 us dollars was raised for the pakistan flood crisis relief fund (UNICEF) at an sl event. An event organised in four days. This is an example of what our community can do, and we are attempting to prepare for a similar, simple but effective, event.

We are calling for anyone who wishes to help with this fundraiser. We will be providing vendors that donate 100% of sales to a charity account (Charity Shelter) for people to place in their stores and at an event location ��. The products in these vendors don't have to be new, but the more new and exclusive items available the more money we will raise, so even a variation of an existing product is appreciated.

We welcome any and all participation and interest in this event - if you'd like to participate as a designer please go to - http://www.tinyurl.com/pacificfund

We require all brands involved to have one product sold at 100% to the charity, however if more than one item is available the others can be at 100% or 50%.

Please note that 100% of all money raised will go to the charity Americares (http://www.americares.org/). Land was donated by Glam Affair and all volunteers are giving their time without charge.


Hundreds killed in tsunami after 8.9 Japan quake

TOKYO – A ferocious tsunami spawned by one of the largest earthquakes on record slammed Japan's eastern coast Friday, killing hundreds of people as it swept away ships, cars and homes while widespread fires burned out of control.

Hours later, the tsunami hit Hawaii but did not cause major damage. Warnings blanketed the Pacific, putting areas on alert as far away as South America, Canada, Alaska and the entire U.S. West coast. In northeastern Japan, the area around a nuclear power plant was evacuated after the reactor's cooling system failed.

Police said 200 to 300 bodies were found in the northeastern coastal city of Sendai, the city in Miyagi prefecture, or state, closest to the epicenter. Another 137 were confirmed killed, with 531 people missing. Police also said 627 people were injured.

The magnitude-8.9 offshore quake unleashed a 23-foot (seven-meter) tsunami and was followed for hours by more than 50 aftershocks, many of them of more than magnitude 6.0.

Dozens of cities and villages along a 1,300-mile (2,100-kilometer) stretch of coastline were shaken by violent tremors that reached as far away as Tokyo, hundreds of miles (kilometers) from the epicenter. A large section of Kesennuma, a town of 70,000 people in Miyagi, burned furiously into the night with no apparent hope of being extinguished, public broadcaster NHK said.

"The earthquake has caused major damage in broad areas in northern Japan," Prime Minister Naoto Kan said at a news conference.

The quake was nearly 8,000 times stronger than one that struck New Zealand late last month, devastating the city of Christchurch.


Tsunami waves hit Ore. coast after sweeping Hawaii

HONOLULU – Tsunami waves swamped Hawaii beaches and brushed the U.S. western coast Friday but didn't immediately cause major damage after devastating Japan and sparking evacuations throughout the Pacific.

Kauai was the first of the Hawaiian islands hit by the tsunami, which was caused by an earthquake in Japan, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. Water rushed ashore in Honolulu, covering the beach in Waikiki and surging over a break wall in the world-famous resort but stopping short of the area's high-rise hotels.

Waves about 7 feet high were recorded on Maui, and 3 feet in Oahu and Kauai. Officials warned that the waves would continue and could become larger, and a scientist at the tsunami warning center said there was likely some damage to mooring facilities and piers.

casual day outfit

for a casual day, a casual outfit ;-)

clic the picture to enlarge.

hair: ...:::Beautiful Dirty Rich:::... Dayana Hair Majestic (for free in Second Life Marketplace from ...:::Beautiful Dirty Rich:::...  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/BDR-Dayana-Hair-Majestic-Free-Hair-Long-Hair-Side-Curly-Hair/1775503).
sweater: justB group gift /cashmere scoop neck blouse BLUSH (group gift from justB ➩ justB).
pants: *IA * hipster jeans-FREE3 (for free in the *IA*Free pack-belt, jeans, T-shirt pack in Second Life Marketplace from *IA* ➩ https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/IAFree-pack-belt-jeans-T-shirt/518864).
footwear: [ hoorenbeek ] Winter Boots - Lilac (subscribe gift in [ hoorenbeek ] if you are older than 15 days in subscribe stuff ➩ [ hoorenbeek ]).

date: 03-05-11.