hey, you really must visit this store... lots of group gifts and nine lovely lucky letters changing every 2-3 minutes...
clothes, jewelry, complements, costumes... will you miss it????
check the pics yourself!!
in the first picture, shirt called BB - PS I Love U Tshirt, and BB - Goggle Hair (and yes, its my color... yayyy!!!).
in the second picture, a great dress, BB - Baby Winter Blue Dress (group gift); oh, i really love it...
in next picture, a soft poncho (BB - Feather Poncho) and a bright dress, BB - Green Dolly Outfit.
nice jewelry in fourth picture: Rain Pearl Necklace (Christmas Gift), available in three colors (cream, grey and brown), and wonderful earrings (BB - Colordrops Earrings (5000+ members gift)).
in last picture, the jacket is a part of a complete outfit called BB - Love Purple Outfit; pants are from the complete outfit BB - Hairdresser Outfit. and also the Goggle Hair again.
date: 01-13-11.
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Salanon Oliva.