
i didnt go to *RibboN* for a long time (maybe caused by some issues in sl that made me miss some ims and notecards)... and today i came back. and, omg, how nice surprises...!
please, check the pics yourself :)

in the first picture, *RibboN*Scarf Skirt (20L$).
in the second, *RibboN*ReToRo-Blouse(dot) 1 (prize won in a lucky letter which changes every five minutes).
and last but not least, Highwaist union jack skirt(R&B), available in a lucky letter (changing every five minutes), and also available for 20L$.

note: also gacha-gacha prizes, and all items in the shop are about 25-35 lindensL$. the most expensive i have checked cost 60L$, and a bib giraffe fur bib for only 1L$.

date: 11-07-10.

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Salanon Oliva.