winter sunday outfit
outfits for free
Saturday, December 31, 2011
clic the picture to enlarge.
hair: ^;^CaTwA^;^ Carolena/Java, exactly ^;^CaTwA^;^ Carolena/Java color (pack from the subscriber history by ^;^CaTwA^;^ ➩ CaTwA).
blouse: ::{u.f.o}::you are lucky girl (lucky letter prize by ::{u.f.o}:: ➩ ::{u.f.o}::).
pants: :SHUCREAM:THANKYOUGIFT2011(WEAR ME TO UNPACK!) (pants from a group gift pack by :SHUCREAM: ➩ :Shucream: & ZZANG MAINSHOPS).
coat: [CheerNo] GIFT - HAPPY HOLLIDAYS (group gift available in group notices ➩ CheerNo).
boots and leg warmers: [BUKKA]Heel Boots ::ivory:: lucky-box (lucky chair prize by [BUKKA] ➩ BUKKA).
date: 12-31-11.
freebies and trinkets
Friday, December 30, 2011
as a warm and comfortable group gift, directly from AOHARU & ANEXX, two pair of boots and a fur stole (in three different textures versions).
in the picture, AOHARU_FurStole_Leo(AttachA/Chest) and ANEXX_VolumeSocksAnkleBootee_Red[BOX]; they both are inside the AOHARU_XmasGroupGift_FurStole and Boots<3 pack.
date: 12-30-11.
Analog Dog Hair
freebies and trinkets
Monday, December 26, 2011
hey hey heyyyyy!!!
there are three free hairs in Analog Dog Hair, don't forget to have a look there and grab them all!!!
they are in a free pack called Point B Holiday Gift.
in the picture, the hair called washu spice. it comes with a on/off/texture hat.
*note that i changed its color to fit mine.
date: 12-26-11.
dots girl outfit
outfits for free
Monday, December 26, 2011
clic the picture to enlarge.
hair: ::Exile:: Veronique:Autumn/Fawn (one of the gifts belonging to the Exile Group Gift! Happy holidays :) pack, from the subscriber history by ::Exile:: ➩ EXILE). * note that i changed its color to fit mine.
sweater: Emery - Sweater Dots Zara [The Holiday] 01 (for free from Emery ➩ Emery Mainstore).
shorts: ::{u.f.o}::we wanna hotpants (prize in a lucky letter by ::{u.f.o}:: ➩ ::{u.f.o}::).
footwear and handbag: Reila Skins - Bag & Shoes *Gift* (for free in the Second Life Marketplace from Reila Skins ➩
date: 12-26-11.
*Bliss Couture*
freebies and trinkets
Monday, December 26, 2011
don't miss this sooo great group gift from *Bliss Couture*!!
in the picture, *Bliss Couture* Free Fur Poncho Giftba (Wear Me).
date: 12-26-11.
freebies and trinkets
Saturday, December 24, 2011
[LeLutka] has just sent out a gift, a nice hair, perfect for christmas celebrations.
it has a princess small crown, but i turned it on transparent; i also changed the hair color to fit my usual one.
in the picture, hair called [LeLutka]-HAPPY HOLIDAYS 2011/12.
date: 12-24-11.
freebies and trinkets
Friday, December 23, 2011
as usually, you will find several group gifts and lucky letters in the store.
and as usually, they are sooo cute ;-)
both first pictures are showing the same group gift (yes, if you get the group gift, you will receive both sweaters in a pack). the group gift is called ::{u.f.o}::christmas gift for my dear.
in last picture, a sweater called ::{u.f.o}::kamsahabnida -LB, from a lucky letter.
date: 12-23-11.
C'est la vie !
freebies and trinkets
Friday, December 23, 2011
nice orange tartan jacket for a nice informal shopping evening ;-)
you will get this one for free in C'est la vie ! as a group gift for the 3000 members celebration.
enjoy it!
in the picture, ::C'est la vie !:: jacket wool(check orange)3000members.
date: 12-23-11.
chic christmas
outfits for free
Friday, December 23, 2011
clic the picture to enlarge.
hair: Shag - Pretty Please - Group Gift (susbcriber gift by Shag, i changed its original color to match mine ➩ Shag).
sweater: .::Y&R::. Knit sweater group gift (group gift by .::Y&R::. ➩ .::Y&R::.).
skirt: .::Y&R::.Woolen skirt LB gift (prize in a lucky letter by .::Y&R::. ➩ .::Y&R::.).
footwear: :: PM :: Lace Pumps in White (group gift from PurpleMoon Creations, cost to join: 50L$ ➩ :: PM :: PurpleMoon Creations; also available on group notices).
date: 12-23-11.
my best wishes for christmas
sometimes (not so) sl feelings...
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
*{ SeVered GarDeN }*
freebies and trinkets
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
have you been a good girl las year? ;-)
then maybe you will need this shoulder bag to carry your santas presents!!
its so cute... so dont miss it!
it is a group gift from *{ SeVered GarDeN }* called .:.*{ S.G }*.:. XMAS Backpack - GIFT.
date: 12-21-11.
[ 2byte ]
freebies and trinkets
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
hi hi!!! ^^
resuming my blogger life i start with a nice group gift from [ 2byte ]. it is a unisex cardigan. it looks so warm... i love it!!
* cost to join: 50L$.
in the picture, [ 2byte ] Indian cardigan.
date: 12-21-11.
sometimes (not so) sl feelings...
Sunday, October 30, 2011
esta mañana, junto a ti en la cama, me daba cuenta de algo que llevo intuyendo algunos meses pero que no habia sabido expresar aun. en realidad es sencillo: contigo estoy pasando la epoca mas feliz de toda mi vida... te quiero.
Posted via Blogaway by Salanon Oliva.
freebies and trinkets
Sunday, October 16, 2011
dont miss it and spend some laggy moments for grabbing the last D!va group gift. 20,000 members already!! ^^
congrats Marisa!!
and dont forget to check the group members lucky boards ;-)
in the picture, ""D!va"" more than 20000 group member celebration gift, ""D!va"" Hair "Naomi" (Citrine) (available also a version with hair scarf complement).
date: 10-16-11.
Argyle Anonymous
freebies and trinkets
Monday, September 26, 2011
nice denim pant as a gift in this shop (in a blue paper bag on the table); also two pairs of socks in the bag.
and dont forget to check the lucky chairs! (shoes, blouse and short pants).
in the first picture, mid jeans AA-Rolled Jeans Polka Dots and a blouse called AA-Crochet Tank Daisey.
in the second picture, shorts called AA-Rollies Wavy and again AA-Crochet Tank Daisey.
date: 09-26-11.
freebies and trinkets
Sunday, September 25, 2011
its not difficult to get prizes in ][AV][, because there are always two luky letters changing every three minutes. and clothes there are very practical and pretty. everything from ][AV][ will really suit you!
in the first picture, a red blouse called ][AV][shirt ethnic red. it is a new version of another one called in the same way, already posted here.
in the second picture, a blouse called ][AV][borero flowers black.
date: 09-25-11.
freebies and trinkets
Sunday, September 25, 2011
directly form the Marketplace, this blouse is perfect for a snack with friends outside... its so nice... of course, it must be: Purple Moon always means high quality!
the blouse is called :: PM :: Floral Blouse by PurpleMoon and you can get in in the Marketplace:
date: 09-25-11.
freebies and trinkets
Sunday, September 25, 2011
always funny and cute from *RibboN*!!!
this hoodie is the prize in the lucky letter. it is called *RibboN*Mouse hoodie (type2) LB 1.
date: 09-25-11.
freebies and trinkets
Sunday, September 25, 2011
nice for fall, an off-shoulder sweater :)
it is a prize in a lucky letter, called *izm.*Loose knit.
date: 09-25-11.
freebies and trinkets
Sunday, September 25, 2011
after summer rest, i come back showing new and many gifts, prizes and freebies, yayyy!!! ^^
first ones, the !1mm*** ones... as usually, so nice... ;-)
in the first picture, skirt and sweater called !1mm*** balloon skirt mossg (LB) and !1mm*** Natural blowse yellow (LB). both are lucky letters prizes.
in the second picture, a very cute dress from a lucky letter called !1mm*** Cocoon dress LB (oh, i really love it!).
in third picture, a free shirt placed on the table, called !1mm*** T-shirt.
date: 09-25-11.
sometimes (not so) sl feelings...
Monday, July 25, 2011
por compartir conmigo tus deseos en forma de estrellas fugaces.
por darme los buenos días cada mañana de forma silenciosa.
por tu curiosidad campestre.
por cuidarme y quererme sin límite.
por darme todo de ti.
sometimes (not so) sl feelings...
Sunday, June 26, 2011
a ti debo mis sonrisas; a ti debo la felicidad de mis tardes de verano, la dicha en esas noches de invierno arrebujados bajo la manta en el sofá.
hasta las estrellas de mi vida te las debo, porque sin saberlo las estuve preparando para ti.
te debo este año de locuras y alboroto en el corazón, y te deberé todos los demás.
porque soy tu chica, aquélla que encontraste empapada bajo la lluvia. porque me salvaste de la tormenta...
Posted by Salanon Oliva via Android - Blogaway.
freebies and trinkets
Sunday, June 12, 2011
usually we forget those groups that need a space in our gorups list are useful... and we delete them in order to have more space available for other groups...
and what the hell...???!!! sometimes we realize that many of them are still as useful as a subscribo stuff...
thats what happend to me with this group, .:*WAvE.:*, because if you check the last notices in the group, you will get this very cute denim short. cmon!!! ;-)
in the picture, ][AV][jeans short blue GG june 2011.
date: 06-12-11.
<< PURE >> - last releases - 06-12-11
friends shops
Sunday, June 12, 2011
these high heeled shoes are some of the last releases in << PURE >>.
in the picture, "<< PURE >> Pure Shoes - Tamara in Red" (arent they sexy?).
thanks, angel4sky! ;-)
date: 06-12-11.
SLC - last releases - 06-12-11
friends shops
Sunday, June 12, 2011
these are some of the last releases in SLC.
first picture: "SLC Couture Gown Franni white" (available in more colors).
second picture: "SLC Group Gift June" (dont miss it!!).
last picture: "SLC Fashion Complet Hanna pink" (complete outfit, footwear and jewels included; available in more colors).
thanks, Serina! ;-)
thanks, Serina! ;-)
date: 06-12-11.
ethnic memories outfit
outfits for free
Sunday, June 12, 2011
clic the picture to enlarge.
hair: A&A Charis Hair Mixed Brown, boxed (for free in Second Life Marketplace from Alli&Ali Designs ➩
bracelet: PM Delight Fire Bangles Set (boxed) (for free in Second Life Marketplace from PM ➩
jeans: KoKo Diamond Jeans - Group Gift (group gift in Koko ➩ Koko).
footwear: << PURE >> Pure Shoes - Lady in Red (for free in Second Life Marketplace from << PURE >> ➩
date: 06-12-11.
*Bliss Couture*
freebies and trinkets
Saturday, June 11, 2011
dont miss the last group gift in *Bliss Couture*, a very nice and sexy hot pink dress called *Bliss Couture* Babydoll Free Dress Gift Bag (wear me).
date: 06-11-11.
sometimes (not so) sl feelings...
Monday, June 06, 2011
detener el tiempo en un segundo, concentrar toda la esencia de la vida en un instante puro... gracias por habérmelo enseñado; gracias por ser mi compañero de vida.
back after holidays outfit
outfits for free
Sunday, May 22, 2011
clic the picture to enlarge.
hair: GIFT 2 (part of a free outfit in Second Life Marketplace from "YN Design" ➩
chemise and vest: **izm.polo shirt and black vest LB limited (lucky letter in izm. ➩ izm.).
handbag: !1mm Leather dot shoulder bag (LB) ((lucky letter prize in !1mm ➩ !1mm).
pants: !1mm*** Pocket denim kokeshi (LB) (lucky letter prize in !1mm ➩ !1mm).
flats: [RADISH.]FlatShoes01_Free (free gift in RADISH. IGU ➩ RADISH. IGU).
date: 05-22-11.
sometimes (not so) sl feelings...
Monday, May 16, 2011
como nuestra vida juntos.
veo campos vivos, estallando de primavera bajo el cielo tranquilo.
y nosotros de la mano, caminando entre el verdor salpicado de alegres motas de rojo amapola.
freebies and trinkets
Monday, May 02, 2011
really sexy and fresh, perfect for summer and holidays, yaaaayyy!!!
Hucci has sent us today a swimsuit via subscribo; of course, as good as always (you know Hucci means high quality).
in the picture, ::HH:: Hucci Asymmetric Swimsuit - Gift (WEAR TO UNPACK).
date: 05-02-11.
freebies and trinkets
Saturday, April 30, 2011
ooooh, so sexy...
::JustMine!!! has sent us via subscribo a pair of high heels; they will be available in shop soon in more colors.
but the interesting thing is that Marcy Susanova also wants us to try these shoes and tell her about what we like or dont, what we would change or not... its a kind way to make customers happy. thanks Marcy!! ;-)
in the picture, ::JustMine!!! Melina Heels_Nude (BOXED).
date: 04-30-11.
freebies and trinkets
Friday, April 29, 2011
after a long time resting from sl (sometimes i really need it), and taking care of some professional things in rl, now i come back with new mood, new projects... and also new freebies!!! ;-)
but dont think it will be for a long time... in some days i will again have holidays, so then i will enjoy teneriffe with my partner ^^
but of course dont worry, i will again come back, for sure!!
omg, i cant stop talkin (writing!) today, sorry... xD
in the first picture im showing the hair (group gift) called A&A Jesse Hair Bronze, boxed.
in the second one im wearing a gift received when voting for favorite hair of the month, Hair Voting Present 22th April 2011 f.
(im sorry Alice, i modified its colors to match mine. i hope you dont mind).
dont miss some other gifts in the store.
dont miss some other gifts in the store.
date: 04-29-11.
lets help Japan and Pacific area VIII
sometimes (not so) sl feelings...
Monday, April 11, 2011
Help Japan Event counts with a lot of great designers ready to donate and help.
i will show some of their designs. dont miss it, come on and have a look please!! ^^
date: 04-10-11.
hoodie sweater: *Koek*Check hoody-(MIX), by *Koek*
hair: **Dura** Help Japan! hair, by **Dura**
dress: The Secret Store - Froufrou - Kibou, by The Secret Store.
shoes: R2 "Pumehana" `elua Help Japan Ver., by R2.
shirt: xxYOMESHOUJOxx *T,collection/A2*, by YomeShoujo.
scarf: *dg* boro sumi hai, by *deviant girls*.
sweater and skirt: graph* HelpJapan, by graph*.
skirt and cardigan: loveme.Help Japan!<3, by loveme.
face tattoos: JM:Mai Skin_Free Gift [face tattoo], by JM:Mai.
dress: -Collect*- Check halter onepiece_Blue, by Collect*.
jumpsuit: AA-Bella Bloomers Brown Floral Help Japan, by Argyle Anonymous.
pants: :NuDoLu: Pantalon the vert for Help Japan, by :NuDoLu:
sweater: :NuDoLu: La beaute japonaise AKANE for Help Japan, by :NuDoLu:
necklace: :NuDoLu Voyage: Matriochka a la japonaise for Help Japan, by :NuDoLu:
camisole: *RibboN* Flower camisole(Red), by *RibboN*
atrezzo petals dress: ~*RunoRuno*~ Cherry Blossom Petals, by *RunoRuno*
Help Japan Event Policy & Promise
Help Japan Event donation Policy
#1 No refunds by a system.
#2 No exchange of your items.
#3 No inquiry of a item.
#4 We do not change the permission of a item.
#5 If you have any questions about a item, please ask to each of a creater.
Our promise to all creaters and donators.
#1 We donate all your purchase and fund-raise to Japn Red Cross Society.
#2 We donate all fund-raise ,except fees and taxes.
#3 We donate all purchase ,except fees and taxes.
#4 We release the amount of fund-raise and details as possible as we can.
#5 We manage all fund-raise only in an avatar which is only used for this event. (avatar name: HelpJapan resident)
Help Japan donation Event Policy
Our promise to all creaters and donators.
一,専用アカウントHelpJapan residentntにて募金を管理いたします
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